Falcon Zylindrische Zeiss-Linsen-Skibrille

Regulärer Preis $39.99
Verkaufspreis $39.99 Regulärer Preis
Retten 0
VLT 99 % klare Linse
VLT 45 % Fuchsia-Linse
VLT 25 % braune Linse
VLT 80 % hellgrüne Linse
VLT 75 % gelbe Linse
VLT 60 % hellblaue Linse

  • Super HD Lens
  • MagKlick (One-second Lens Swap)
  • VS Treatment



ZEISS SONAR-Technologie

Falcon-Gläser von ZEISS Snow Goggles mit einem von Falken inspirierten Riemen und ZEISS-Gläsern für unübertroffene Klarheit. Genießen Sie eine kontrastreiche Sicht, ein magnetisches Linsenwechselsystem und eine Bonuslinse für schwaches Licht, die optimale Leistung bei wechselnden Lichtverhältnissen gewährleistet.
ZEISS-Gläser bieten ein Maß an Glätte und Klarheit, das die meisten Skibrillen auf dem Markt übertrifft. Tauchen Sie ein in die echte hochauflösende Darstellung des Geländes, das Schwindelgefühle und visuelle Ermüdung vorbeugt und dafür sorgt, dass Ihre Sicht auf die Berge ebenso sicher wie klar ist.

MagKlick (Objektivwechsel in einer Sekunde)

Passen Sie sich mit MagKlick im Handumdrehen an wechselnde Bergbedingungen an. Unser magnetisches Schnellwechselsystem ist der Inbegriff von Effizienz und ermöglicht den Objektivwechsel mit nur einer einzigen Bewegung. Kein Gefummel, keine Zeitverschwendung – einfach ein nahtloser Übergang, der Sie im Rhythmus des Tages hält.
Torische Linse – ultimatives weites Sichtfeld

Rahmenloses Design

Genießen Sie die Freiheit unseres rahmenlosen Designs, das ein grenzenloses Sichtfeld bietet. Die schlanke Konstruktion sieht nicht nur schick aus, sondern reduziert auch das Gewicht und eliminiert visuelle Ablenkungen. Mit dieser Brille ist Ihre Verbindung zum Berg ungehindert, rein und vollständig.
Offizieller Lieferant des US-Skiteams

Über der Brille (OTG)

Unsere Schutzbrille wurde speziell für sehbehinderte Skifahrer entwickelt und passt bequem über die meisten Korrektionsbrillen, sodass jeder auf der Piste scharfe und präzise Sicht hat
beste Antibeschlag-Skibrille

VS-Behandlung (VaporShield)

Unsere VS-Behandlung ist die ultimative Verteidigung gegen den gefürchteten Nebel. Mit einer einzigartigen Beschichtung, die Feuchtigkeit wie ein Schwamm aufnimmt, versprechen unsere Brillen ein beschlagfreies Skiabenteuer. In Kombination mit einem dreischichtigen Schaumstoff, der die Luftzirkulation optimiert, bleibt Ihre Sicht kristallklar und stellt sicher, dass nichts zwischen Ihnen und dem Berg steht.
beste Antibeschlag-Skibrille

was ist inbegriffen

Skibrille Antibeschlag

Offizieller Lieferant des US-Skiteams

Obwohl die Marke noch jung ist, sind wir mit unserer Innovation und zuverlässigen Qualität offizieller Lieferant des US-Skiteams geworden. Durch das Sponsoring der USCSA (US Collegiate Ski & Snowboard Association) unterstützen wir auch junge Menschen dabei, ihr Potenzial zu entfalten.
Offizieller Lieferant des US-Skiteams

Auswahl an Profisportlern

Viele Profisportler waren von der Qualität und Technologie der Outdoor Master-Produkte beeindruckt und haben sich entschieden, Botschafter unserer Marke zu werden. Darüber hinaus verbessern und verbessern wir unsere Produkte ständig durch das Feedback unserer Athleten im Training und Wettkampf.
beste Antibeschlag-Skibrille

Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Innovative Design and Quality Product!

As a avid, non-professional skier, these goggles get the stamp of approval and the upmost praise! This is a
company that makes great products, prices them fairly and cares about the consumer. firstly, not a single
piece on this product feels cheap, everything from the lens, goggles, case and straps feels solid and
premium guality. The lens are big and provide great visibility that is crvstal clear while not been overly
thick to limit peripheral vision. The lens are also made by Zeiss, leaders in the industry and is often the top
end of ski/snowboard goggles. The strap is also easily adjustable with clamps that hold them to the
adjusted length exceptionally well. The back has a silicone coating preventing slipping on the helmet and
has enough adjustability to accommodate all helmet sizes.
The package includes a semi-hard carrying shell, two lenses and the googles. The lenses are held on by 10
magnets and makes changing them out extremely easy. The VLT ranges are all roughly around the 20%
range for all the colours making these lens highly versatile. This is often considered to be the optimal
range for all weather cases. it may be slightly too bright in a zero cloud perfectly sunny day, and may be
slightly too dark in a heavy snowfall, very cloudy situation. However, at this VT it is usable in both the
above situations, maybe just not the most optimal., Every other situation, they are perfect! For night time
are very cloudy situations the 91% yellow lens are perfect and let in a lot of light while preventing glare
and making the texture of the run easy to see in the low light situation. There are also lens ranging from
the 60-90%% range for separate purchase to optimize for cloudy semi-bright situations. The lenses are
stylish and also limit glare due to the angle and shape of the lens. The carrying case is solid in the front to
prevent any drop or knock damage and is meshed in the back to provide adequate ventilation. lt is not full
protection in the back but is good enough for almost all use cases, besides maybe getting run over by a car
The frame of the goggles are rigid yet flexible and will not break or crack with impacts. When falling, it also
absorbs some of the impact, limiting damage to the face. lt is also very light weight and does not weigh
down on the head. The triple density foam enhances comfort further and is exceptional at keeping
condensation out, wicking sweat, and soft on the face. There are minimal lines in the face after wearing,
and the ventilation at the top is great at preventing condensation. lt was exceptionally rare to experience
condensation and only happened twice in a whole season, Even when it did occur it was not severe and did
not affect the ability to complete the run
The only con is that the magnets could be stronger, however that is the case with many magnet style
lenses. These are above average in the strength of the magnets but are still not as secure as clip on style
lenses and on an extremely hard fall on the face may shake them loose.
Overall, these ski goggles are comparable to the best in the industry, with well thought out designs, quality
materials, two Zeiss lens, and backed by a great company! Fantastic product, and would love to get more of their gear in the future!

Max Zimmermann
Crystal Clear Vision on the Slopes: OutdoorMaster Falcon ski Goggles!

Experience superior clarity and performance with the OutdoorMaster Falcon Ski Goggles equipped with
ZElSS/E-QuickHue Lens technology! These OTG (Over-The-Glasses) snowboard goggles are designed for
comfort and precision on the slopes,
The ZElSS/E-QuickHue Lens ensures exceptional optical quality, reducing glare and enhancing contrast in
various light conditions. You'll enjoy clear, sharp vision whether you're skiing, snowboarding, or
The OTG design accommodates prescription eyewear, allowing you to wear your glasses comfortably under
the goggles. The frameless design provides a wide field of view without compromising on style.

clarity and comfort

Improved vision: ZEISS Snoar high-performance lenses increase contrast and make it easier to see bumps in the snow, giving you crystal-clear vision in any weather.
Convenient lens changing system: The magnetic lens changing system allows you to quickly switch between different lenses, while the frameless design with anti-fog coating and UV protection ensures optimal vision and safety.
Comfortable design: The soft-coated PU frame adapts to your face and remains flexible even in cold temperatures. Ventilation slots reduce fogging, while the three-layer face foam ensures long-lasting comfort.

peter t.
Great goggles

Looks great, easy to replace with new lens, doesn't fog, great purchase


The best ski goggles I've ever had. It's that simple. Not only do they look great, but they are also high quality and impress everyone. The lens doesn't fog up and so far it has survived all my falls without damage. However, if the lens does get damaged, it can be easily replaced. Despite my initial fear of losing the magnetic, removable lens in a fall, it has never happened. And that was during the entire winter season. So I think it's probably not even possible. The goggles fit perfectly for the helmet and are comfortable on the face. I can therefore recommend these ski goggles all the more. They are robust, durable and a real eye-catcher at the same time.