Tried and tested, innovative outdoor gear.Proven reliable for all levels of enthusiasts.
Through years of experience, we understand the needs of all outdoor enthusiasts and put our innovative yet affordable gear through rigorous testing to ensure maximum durability and reliability. By eliminating barriers,we aim to make the outdoors accessible for everyone to #DoWhatYouBelieve. We also care about the planet and work to develop sustainable products and operations. With a commitment to performance, value and the environment, our tried and tested gear opens up the outdoors for all.
Our Pursuit of Equity
We are committed to the equitable participation of all people in outdoor sports.

Fair work environment:
Fair work environment:to uphold diversity, equality, and inclusivity, and to be one where employees can work in comfort and solidarity, our work ethics are founded with these specific things in mind:
Closing the gender pay gap. We promote gender equality in the workplace by establishing transparent wage systems, ensuring equitable payment under comparable roles for all genders.Implementing skills-based assessments and structured interviews in recruitment to reduce the risk of unfair bias.
Making work-life balance one of the top priorities.
Committing to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), recognizing that one company thrives only if it draws on all employees' diverse experiences, knowledge, culture, and backgrounds.
Fair price positioning:
We only keep a 15% profit, enabling both healthy brand development and a reasonable price tag on our products, lowering the barrier for outdoor enthusiasts. Taking the ski goggles industry as an example, snow goggles manufactured by prestigious brands with cutting edge technology and supreme quality often cost a considerable amount of money ($150-$200) compared to less "tech-intensive" products ($20-$30). This creates an unfair barrier of entry to outdoor sports.
However, Outdoor Master® was able to bring the cost down for equally fantastic products compared with the high-end products to a price range of ($50-$150). Because we think everyone should have access to all that the outdoor sports have to offer. By acquiring the Directed to Customer (DTC) business model, we were able to keep only a 15% profit but maximized the technological value and quality of our products.
Fair societal sponsorship & donation:
We carefully choose our sponsorship programs, highlighting ones in the field that could make a genuine difference in the world. We proudly sponsor great programs that help disabled children who unfortunately cannot enjoy outdoor sports to the fullest. Partnering with Ride at Lost Trials, "Game of Snow", and USCSA National Championships, we hold community-wide and nationwide ski contests.
We also made a sizable Injury Prevention Donation (helmets) to BSW Taylor Medical Center to raise awareness of outdoor sports safety. We worked with GYC Aquatics, the Greater Yosemite Council of the Boy Scouts of America, to spread information about SUP being used as a life-saving tool.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we donated over 100 of our ski goggles to Fredericksburg Emergency Medical Alliance for optimizing the supply of eye protection.
Our Persistence: #DoWhatYouBelieve.
We like to encourage all to stay loyal to the fun nature of life. This is why we support the spirit of creativity
and persistence in realizing our and all outdoor enthusiasts' innovation and working to eliminate inequality,
protecting the environment, among other things, to make the world a better place.
The #DoWhatYouBelieve challenge was created under precisely such pretenses. Through the #DoWhatYouBelieve challenge, we have built our very own creative community and helped these people make their projects realities:
We helped Natalie Paladin and others realize the California Road Trip, documenting the most beautiful and other natural landscapes in California and sharing them with all outdoor enthusiasts.The singer-songwriter and professional guitarist from Tennessee wanted to share his experience of being inspired to write music by nature. We helped him produce a short film.
Outdoor Master® now continuously supports people, true enthusiasts who are passionate to the core about outdoor sports in the campaign #dowhatyoubelieve by making what they believe come true with the $10,000 dream fund.
Raising Eco-awareness

Outdoor Master® understands how its actions can affect the environment and is committed to making changes to our activities to protect the planet, which is what it means to be environmentally conscious. Here is a record of our actions toward upholding these standards:
We realized the vision of one particular intern in making 95% eco-friendly ski goggles.
Co-branded with snow performance artist Simon Beck to call for environmental protection.
Promoted the protection of mountain snow by collaborating with environmental organization POW.

Embrace Innovation
We believe human progress is propelled by innovation and creativity. Therefore, we have been and always will input our contribution toward this collective goal of the future.
As young as it is, Outdoor Master® had become Official Supplier to the U.S. Ski Team as one of the newcomers to the market due to our possession of cutting edge tech and unparalleled performance, breakthrough after breakthrough. "a true game-changer." exclaimed outdoor enthusiasts.
SUP pump is a quick pumping tool that is quick and convenient to free users' hands.Lenses equipped with Color-optimization tech, filtering blue light and highlighting irregularities to help spot hidden danger.
Photochromic lenses change color slightly to adjust light levels to optimize brightness.95% of Bio-degradable ski goggles' structural TAC (Tri-Acetate Cellulose, the polarizer in lenses) is extracted from cotton fiber, replacing traditional PC material.
Sustainability-friendly bamboo fiber woven straps with silicone made from natural rubber.