Master Guides

The 5 Best Free Workout Apps

The 5 Best Free Workout Apps

The new technologies offer us more services than ever. Lastly we have been surprised with different and practical advances to improve our lives.

Many of us think that the comfort of the XXI century is synonymous of a physical inactivity and laziness, and may be true; however that's in your mind and depends on the utility that you can give. Did you know that there are applications that promise to replace a personal trainer? For people who lack the time, the system that offers this service has become a reality. And obviously free.

If you are an athlete or you are interested in physical activity, then we give you the 5 best workout applications:

  1. Nike + Running: ideal for those who want to go for a walk and run. It has a fairly simple operation.
  2. 7 minute workout: application scientifically proven. And of course, if you add more than 3 million users who train daily in less than 10 minutes. Promises to "lose weight, have a flat stomach and a body of dream", so if do not already know, it is time for the download.
  3. 8 Minutes Abs Workout: stands out for its simplicity, efficiency and innovation. It has a group of exercises 8 minutes each and promises to have at your fingertips the most famous workouts in the world.
  4. RunKeeper: already has over 25 million users and transform your smartphone into a real personal trainer at your pocket. Record all of your physical activity - heart rate, update your weight, distance, calories burned, among others - and also receive training instructions through your headphones, take photos of your travels and controls the music by the routine.
  5. JEFIT Workout: If you don’t have enough motivation to start working out, this is the ideal application. It has already more than 3 million users and is one of the preferred due to its simplicity and good storage capacity of your progress and activities. You can create routines and have access to more than 1,300 free exercises. One of the most interesting factors is the strong motivation that gives its users: statistics can share with other people or friends and even communicate with them to exchange data and comments. You will also receive incentives to move forward.Just pick the most appropriated one and dare yourself!