5 Tricks Every Beginner Skier Should Learn First

Photo by Haut Risque on Unsplash
If you’re reading this, you might be wondering which tricks you should learn first as a skier. Now, I am a much better snowboarder than I am a skier, but I’m pretty solid with the sticks, and I scoured the internet to find 5 tricks that you can learn in no time.
Learning new tricks is a great way to enhance your skiing experience. Skiing is easily one of the most fun and exciting activities in the world, and pushing your limits as a skier is a must-do. If you are a beginner skier, these are 5 tricks you should learn first. Grab your poles, it’s time to get steezy!
*I’ve attached a tutorial video for each trick.
Master the Basics Before Testing Your Limits
You’ve got to run before you can fly! Skiing is a physically demanding activity and extremely technical. Before you try any of these tricks, it might be a good idea to make sure you are ready to do so. Do you feel comfortable on greens and blues? Can you carve decently well on groomers? Can you stop without doing a pizza? If you answered yes to these questions, you might be ready young kemosabe.
Additionally, it might be a good idea to do some warm-up laps before you launch straight into the tricks. Jumping off some side hits, practicing your ollies, and riding switch will get your body, mind, and soul prepared. Most importantly, you must progress at your own rate. I don’t recommend trying a trick without warming up, watching tutorials, or wearing the correct protective gear (helmets, knee pads, goggles, crash pants, etc…).
3 things to have with you when trying new tricks:
- Safety gear (helmets, goggles, knee pads, crash pants, etc…)
- The number for safety patrol in case someone gets hurt.
- A phone so you can video someone’s gnarly slam.
Box Slides
Photo by Tyler Tornberg
Mastering the boxes at the resort is your one-way ticket to getting on the rails. Boxes help beginners learn what it feels like to slide along a surface that is not made of snow. Some boxes are wide, some are narrow. It’s important to pick one you feel comfortable with first.
Before you do anything fancy, try sliding across the box in a 50-50 stance (where the tips of your skis stay pointed in one direction the entire time). If you can do a 50-50 no problem, try twisting one way or another, landing in switch (backwards). This is the best way to improve coordination and work on your balance.
Video Tutorial:
180 and Switch-180
On a small jump or side hit, practice the 180. Before trying this, though, practice jumping and landing. Once you feel ready, prepare to learn your first aerial trick.
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash
The 180 is a simple and attainable trick, but you have to have confidence. When approaching the jump, bend your knees and get ready. Once you hit the jump and get some air, twist your shoulders one way or another. Your hips will follow which will twist your legs in turn. Before you know it you’ll be completely backwards! Now, this is the hard part. Landing backward is not that easy, so prepare to fall gracefully.
If you can land safely and consistently, then I’d recommend trying a switch-180, approaching the jump in switch and landing facing forward. When you can do this, you’ll be ready to try a 360!
Video Tutorial:
Nose Butter Role
For this trick, you won’t even need to leave the snow. A butter is when you use either end of your skis in a flexing motion. A nose butter role is when you bend forward, flexing your skis, and turning in a 180 motion.

Photo by Glade Optics on Unsplash
Similar to the aerial 180, you’ll be turned backward when you are finished. Make sure to bend your skis enough to get the back of them lifted into the air while staying in contact with the tips of your skis.
Video Tutorial:
The shifty is another beginner trick that is performed in the air. You can do this trick on any small jump or side hit, or you can make it harder by trying it on one of the larger jumps. Again, make sure you are warmed up by practicing some jumps and landings.
Photo by Maarten Duineveld on Unsplash
A shifty is performed by twisting your skis to one side (like you’re doing a 180) but landing facing forward. Staying balanced in the air is not as easy as it sounds. The most important thing to remember is to keep your shoulders square, so when you turn your skis to one side your body stays facing forward.
Video Tutorial:
Safety Grab
To successfully perform a safety grab, you will want to find a jump big enough for you to get substantial air. When you hit the jump, make sure you pop off the lip hard enough to give yourself enough hang time to perform the grab. When in the air, bend down and grab your ski (just make sure to let go before you land). If you are using your right hand, grab your right ski, and vice versa.
Video Tutorial:
Doing some of these might be harder than I’ve made them seem. The most important thing to remember is to stay safe. Wear your helmet, wear goggles, and wear any other safety equipment that is going to protect you from getting injured.
Here at Outdoor Master, we truly want to help you do what you believe. Our stylish helmets will protect your noggin, and our quality goggles will make sure you can see your landing clearly.
As always, check us out on social media and stay safe!