

Farbe: Schwarz
Genießen Sie jederzeit und überall Outdoor-Spaß mit Ihrem Haustier
Unser Hundetragerucksack (13" B x 21" H x 10" T) ist für Haustiere bis zu 25 Pfund konzipiert, die die Natur lieben. Er ist perfekt zum Wandern, Camping, Skifahren und für Ausflüge und auch ideal für Fahrräder, U-Bahnen, Motorräder und Einkaufen. Der ROCCOPET Hunderucksack ist für alle Jahreszeiten geeignet, einschließlich Frühling, Sommer und sogar Winter.
Taschentuchspender und isolierte Flaschentaschen
Unser Hundetragerucksack verfügt über vielseitige aufrollbare Fenster. Das wasserdichte Außenfenster oben ist perfekt für regnerische Tage, während das robuste Netzfenster für Sicht, Belüftung und Sicherheit sorgt. Sie können auch beide Fenster hochklappen, sodass Ihre Katze oder Ihr Hund näher an die Natur herankommen und die Natur in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Geräumig und intelligent
Bei Hundetransportboxen ist die Atmungsaktivität von entscheidender Bedeutung. Unser Team legte großen Wert auf die Luftzirkulation in unserem Haustierrucksack. Mit einem oberen Mesh-Fenster, 4 Belüftungslöchern auf jeder Seite und einer speziell entwickelten, atmungsaktiven Mesh-Seitentasche sorgen wir für eine optimale Luftzirkulation.
Schnellzugriffs- und Diebstahlsicherungstasche
Der Hunderucksack verfügt über wasserabweisendes Material, einen schmutzabweisenden Boden und ein leicht zu reinigendes Design. Mit verbesserten YKK-Reißverschlüssen, ergonomischen Schultergurten und einem belüfteten Rückenteil bietet es Komfort bei längerem Tragen. Der Hüftgurt und der Brustgurt reduzieren die Tragebelastung beim Wandern. Darüber hinaus sorgen Lasthebegurte und Stützstangen aus Kohlefaser für strukturelle Stabilität.
Fixiergurte für Koffer
Nicht nur als Transportrucksack für Haustiere, sondern auch als funktionelle Laptoptasche, in der der Hund im vorderen Fach untergebracht werden kann, während Ihre Sachen im hinteren Fach verstaut werden. Dieser Hundetragerucksack verfügt über zwei Gürteltaschen mit Reißverschluss am Gürtel für kleine Gegenstände. Und mehrere versteckte Aufbewahrungsschichten auf der Rückseite. Auch die Tragegurte und Gurte des Rucksacks können versteckt im Rücken verstaut werden und machen ihn so zu einer Handtasche.

Customer Reviews

Based on 83 reviews
Debbie in Montreal

I needed something that could carry my Yorkie and my laptop & miscellaneous items. This has a dedicated section for your own items. Although there is no laptop sleeve, the whole bag is padded, so it’s safe in there. I’m sure I can fit my essentials for air travel, as this will replace my normal everyday pack I usually fly with. But, since I plan on taking him next time, this will work. The bag is well thought out, with lots of extra pockets, including one on the back. The hard bottom ensures it won’t collapse. There are both waist and sternum straps, and I like that the shoulder straps can be stored for when we are in a car and are using a seatbelt to secure the bag on the rear seat. As long as it wears well, I see this as being an excellent & useful purchase.

Dorcas Kelley
Great backpack for an older / smaller dog

I have a 8 yo, ~10# dog that can't always keep up with his "sisters." They are younger, more energetic, and more stamina. I bring along this pack for when Coda gets tired. Sometimes he stays up with his younger sisters, and sometimes he poops out. He's very happy in the pack, watches the world go by, and might curl up to take a nap. It does get warm in the pack if you're hiking in the afternoon in the sun, so I try to keep the pack as unzipped as possible. There's mesh on the sides and front, so it is breathable. There's also a small lead with a clip inside the pack, which I attach to his harness. He seems to appreciate the ride and the pack itself is sturdy and comfy to wear. I appreciate the waist strap a lot! I tried some dog packs without waist straps and found that my neck, shoulders and back really ached after carrying him around for awhile. The waist strap makes all the difference.

Great for brining my Schnauzer on public transit and hiking

My city's transit system requires dogs be fully enclosed in carriers when riding the bus. Many of the bags I were looking at were not designed in that way, instead allowing the head to stick out. I take my 19.5lb miniature schnauzer on 2-4 bus trips a week, 20-35 mins each. Since switching to this bag from the duffle style dog carrier my life has become so much easier. By the second trip he was getting in without any struggle or resistance.The bag is comfortable to wear with him in it once all adjustments are made. I was a little worried he may not fit, as he has long legs for a mini schnauzer. But he does great it and seems to like being on my back rather than carried in the duffle style bag. There are lots of storage compartments etc to keep waste bags, treats or some other things. Though i would not put much in it at the same times as when I have the dog in it since my dog is closer to the upper limit this bag was intended for.The zippers feel a little cheap and it is very easy to snag them on the flap that goes over them. But they do the job.

Toh Relova
Perfect for my 7kg Shih Tzu

Perfectly sized and solidly sturdy bag. Unlike the cheap-o bags all around. This is extremely high quality with many commendable features like the pass through ventilation, solid base, laptop compartment (a must for my needs) and solid straps. Perfect for my 7kg Shih Tzu!

Don’t skimp on the treats

I’m so pleased with this product! You definitely want to introduce the item and give plenty of treats! My dog was still getting used to it but he stayed put throughout our hike in Yosemite. This is very handy especially when some trails don’t allow dogs. We took him out about every 30-40 min or so to let him stretch his legs. We got so many compliments! Overall this is such a good investment. My dog is about 15lbs. Try it out :)