Master Guides

Paddleboarding Benefits: 9 Mental Health Benefits of Stand up Paddle Boarding

Paddleboarding benefits

Immersing yourself in paddleboarding has been scientifically demonstrated to provide a wide range of benefits from physical and mental benefits.

If you've heard of paddleboarding but you didn't care about it, here's how you can enhance your mental health with it.

Before I jump into details, don't forget to join our SUP Facebook Group! Our friendly staff and SUP specialist will give you the best support and help you get started!

Now that you became one of our community, let's start with the first mental health benefit of stand up paddle boarding:

Sunrise Paddleboarding




According to the latest estimates from the World Health Organization, nearly 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. This tendency should be taken seriously, and fast action is required.

Is paddle boarding a good exercise?

Although there are a variety of traditional methods and exercises that can help with all of these concerns, paddleboarding has the potential to provide more mental health advantages than many of them.

Naturally, being in the water with your board helps to relieve anxiety and depression symptoms. You could be treated for these mental difficulties in addition to the apparent benefits of exercise. Look at the story.

'Will Schmidt‘, a former US marine, has a great story about how paddleboarding may assist with anxiety and depression. He felt like killing himself one day. His mother recommended that they go paddleboarding. His narrative took a turn for the better following this time spent in the sea. He claimed that it was while he was out at sea that he discovered his vindication. This one activity, paddling boarding, he claims, saved his life.'


Our bodies work in some interesting ways. Simply being near water reduces stress levels naturally and dramatically, just as it does with anxiety or depression. It has been shown to assist the body lower stress chemicals. When you're near water, your serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin levels rise, while cortisol, a common stress hormone, drops. You will have a sense of calm, which will aid in stress reduction.

Naturally, stress is one of the most pressing challenges confronting many people today. If you're feeling stressed, go out paddling to minimize your risk of developing ulcers and other stress-related health problems. It transports you to a peaceful, fresh-air environment. You may do some workouts or simply relax.

Yoga Paddle Board



Taking time away from your working life and staying near the ocean or a lake helps to avoid the burnout that frequently comes with a hectic schedule, leaving you calm and looking forward to another day at work.

Simply being outside in a tranquil setting alone improves your ability to focus, allowing you to be more creative. This will eventually have a favorable impact on your professional achievement at a large.

In fact, we've witnessed a new trend where great sportsmen, like Steph Curry, an American basketball star, spend time practicing in the water, and their entire performance improves as a result. In other words, when your stress levels decrease, your performance and productivity improve.

Today, take your paddleboard out on the ocean if you want to increase your productivity at work. Even if it involves paddling around and taking some pictures, taking a break will boost your creativity.

It is easy, if these words make sense for you, all you have to do is get yourself one of our affordable All-Around iSUPs and start on a calm water body like a lake. You'll be able to come up with new and fresh ideas and improve your ability to collaborate with coworkers, further enhancing your productivity at work.


Immersing oneself in paddleboarding does, in reality, remove the distractions that often accompany modern life. There is no electronics, no traffic, and nothing else to distract you while you are out on the lake. You have an incredible opportunity to communicate and connect with other people on a personal and deeper level and most importantly in this calm environment.

In any event, going outside in a setting like a quiet lake or river helps to increase the quality of conversations, thereby increasing your relationships with others. In the long term, this will make you a happy person.

It also helps you socialize more effectively with others. If you're an introvert, this might be precisely what you're looking for.


It is undeniable, that SUP paddling around the lake or river puts you in a really serene and free-from disturbance situation. It's a place where you relax, socialize, and take in the beauty of mother earth. The body will naturally release endorphins and serotonin, which are feel-good hormones. You will not only feel happier, but you will also be less likely to become depressed.

In other words, your spirits will improve in unexpected ways, and, best of all, naturally.

Sunset Paddleboarding




It is something you should consider today; you need a few minutes of paddle boarding alone or with family if you've been fighting insomnia for months. Spending time near water can significantly aid persons suffering from sleep issues.

Simply listening to water sounds before bedtime is supposed to assist generate a meditative state, resulting in relaxation and stress reduction. It induces sleep in the brain, resulting in a restful night's sleep.


Paddleboarding is a wonderful way to clear your mind. It provides the best remedy if you find yourself in a sticky circumstance or difficulty and need some distance and fresh air. You will restore attention and concentration and help lessen the danger of cognitive impairment due to the workout environment you are in.

In the long run, this could provide you with other additional benefits like at work or school.


True, we are regularly battered by life, and this may alter our perspective on life as a whole.

There are so many things happening in the world that you just need a safe spot to go. This is where paddleboarding comes in, as it acts as a form of meditation.

It is the one you require in order to achieve the mental clarity you seek every other day. After all; being in a calm location surrounded by water allows you to consider things from a different perspective.

SUP & Boats


Any enjoyable outdoor physical activity, particularly those involving water, may be highly thrilling and fun as well. So immersing yourself in paddleboarding can be a fantastic way to connect with nature.

You will feel closer to nature than in any other activity because of the stunning beaches, canopies, mountains, and rivers. It will undoubtedly assist you in relaxing after a long week at work.


While there are a variety of meditation techniques and activities you may do at home to improve your mental health, paddleboarding is now widely recognized as the best.

It helps you to immerse yourself and your thoughts in nature through repetitive, low-impact motions that swiftly put you in a 'flow state.'

Paddling for 20 to 40 minutes will provide you with a ‘nature pill’ that will improve your mental health and, most significantly, your general well-being.

Paddleboarding is definitely worth considering if you are looking for great mental benefits.

That’s all for this article, don't forget to join our SUP-dedicated Facebook Group and see you in the comments below.